14 February 2008

More Ramiele!

Our new fav, Ramiele Malubay, recently did an interview with AmericanIdol.com.

So who is her favorite singer? Filipino singing sensation- REGINE VELASQUEZ!
what is the grossest thing she ever ate? BALUT
props to Ramiele for repping the Philippines whenever she gets the opportunity to!She is someone that can make us Filipino-Americans proud.

click here to see the interview in its entirety: http://www.americanidol.com/videos/?vid=906


Joe Garcia said...


Joe Garcia said...


Started in 1993, D1 is a collegiate organization dedicated to promoting awareness of issues pertaining to Filipinos nationwide, preserving and promoting Filipino Culture, and providing the means for initiating action and dialogue within the community.

D1 consists of Filipino culture clubs from the following member schools: Berklee College of Music, Boston College, Boston University, Brown University, Clarke University, Harvard University, MIT, Northeastern University, Tufts University, University of Massachusetts Boston, and Wellesley College.

Mission Statement
District One (D1) E-Board serves as a resource for its member schools and community by promoting awareness and discussion of Filipino culture to strengthen unity in the New England region.