12 May 2008

2008-2009 D1 E-Board

Attention D1!
Your 2008-2009 D1 E-Board is here!

Amanda Correa (Northeastern University) & Joseph Garcia (Northeastern University)
Jason Lee (Northeastern University)
Ryan Marti (Northeastern University)

Public Relations:
Justine Santa Cruz (Boston University) & Rick Jason Lim (Boston University)

Social Chair:
Kirsten Inducil (Boston College)

National Directors:
Maria Bisquera (Wellesley College) & Pia Rivera (Clark University)

On behalf of the 2008-2009 D1 E-Board:
We are very excited to work with everyone this year to help D1 meet and surpass all expectations for the 2008-2009 school year. We hope to continue the ongoing tradition of networking amongst the students and alumni of D1 member schools, and hopefully make D1 ties stronger than ever. We also hope to bring D1 back to its national level within FIND, and also begin to bring D1's name out into the New England community.

We are definitely pumped to serve you all this year. So have a great summer and we'll see everyone in the fall!

Started in 1993, D1 is a collegiate organization dedicated to promoting awareness of issues pertaining to Filipinos nationwide, preserving and promoting Filipino Culture, and providing the means for initiating action and dialogue within the community.

D1 consists of Filipino culture clubs from the following member schools: Berklee College of Music, Boston College, Boston University, Brown University, Clarke University, Harvard University, MIT, Northeastern University, Tufts University, University of Massachusetts Boston, and Wellesley College.

Mission Statement
District One (D1) E-Board serves as a resource for its member schools and community by promoting awareness and discussion of Filipino culture to strengthen unity in the New England region.