02 April 2008

D1 Sosyal: Ticket Sales Info

As most of you heard, District One will be hosting their annual formal this year at the Golden Leaf on April 12, 2008. This year, D1 Sosyal will be featuring the first ever Mr. & Ms. D1 Competition... who will it be?! The Barrel Man heard a few names through the grapevine about who is interested in running for the competiton this year... it's going to be crazy!!! You're not going to want to miss out on this year's event.

For further details and information as to where to get tickets read below:

Date: April 12, 2008

Dress Code: Semi Formal.. looks your best!!

Location: Golden Leaf <-- click me for photos!! 20 Hudson Street Boston, MA 02228 Time: 7:00 - 11:00 PM (but feel free to stay for karaoke-ing all night long!) Food: Food will be served all night including vegetarian dishes. Ticket Price: $25 before April 7th, $30 After April 7th Tickets will not be sold the night of the event. But if you must get your ticket at the door please contact Ryan Cadiz at (661) 618-0209 the night of the event and a D1 E-board member will come out and gladly assist you in doing so. Tickets will be $35 at the door. We prefer that you buy the tickets beforehand. Please contact the designated person from your school to get your tickets to this event. Please give them your name, email address, and cell phone number. They will also be collecting your $25 for this event.

here is the contact list:

BU: Carlo Dumandan (carlod@bu.edu) or Ryan Cadiz (rcadiz@bu.edu)
BC: Kirsten Inducil (
NU: Katey Toy (
Tufts: Robert Siy (robert.siy@tufts.edu)

we have not heard from other schools regarding contacts so if you are from Harvard, Wellesly, Brown, MIT, OR if your not affiliated with any of these schools but still want to come to D1 Sosyal please email d1tickets@gmail.com directly with your name, email, and cell phone number.

Tickets are only $25 for the first 100 sold before April 7th! Better get yours ASAP! After April 7th all tickets will be $30. You want to get your tickets NOW!!

You will have to pay the general fee for karaoke if you decide to stay after the event and there will be no karaoke during the event.

STAY TUNED for tickets on how to be the first ever Mr. and/or Ms. D1!
I heard from a few sources that the prizes are gna be CRAZY!!'

by the way, has anyone been watching the Barrel Man's GF on American Idol, Ramiele Malubay.. she is now in the Top 9 of the competition. Good shiz. okay random. bye now.

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Started in 1993, D1 is a collegiate organization dedicated to promoting awareness of issues pertaining to Filipinos nationwide, preserving and promoting Filipino Culture, and providing the means for initiating action and dialogue within the community.

D1 consists of Filipino culture clubs from the following member schools: Berklee College of Music, Boston College, Boston University, Brown University, Clarke University, Harvard University, MIT, Northeastern University, Tufts University, University of Massachusetts Boston, and Wellesley College.

Mission Statement
District One (D1) E-Board serves as a resource for its member schools and community by promoting awareness and discussion of Filipino culture to strengthen unity in the New England region.